To shift mindsets about the purpose of
Education to Thriving

CEO Suchetha Bhat explains


Dream A Dream New Strategy




A demonstrable model in both in and out-of- school learning spaces where children can thrive. Under the Direct Impact programme, we have Thriving Schools and Thriving Centres that works directly with 10,000 young people every year. In Thriving Schools, we provide innovative, non-traditional educational opportunities through sports and arts to allow children from the age of 8 to 14 to build important life skills such as team work, decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking.

The Thriving Centres are learning and technology spaces for young people aged 15-23 years. Different programmes such as Computer Education, Spoken English, Communication Skills, Money Management and Workplace Readiness are integrated with a high-impact life skills approach to help them develop resilience, adaptability and confidence to deal with 21st century demands.


Systems Demonstration intends to transform public education systems in partnerships with the government through levers of change such as curriculum, pedagogies, teacher training, assessments, etc.Through strategic partnerships with state governments in Delhi, Uttarakhand, Telangana, Karnataka, Jharkhand and Nagaland, we are helping scale the life skills approach by contributing to the work of state governments in implementing SEL curriculums. The aim is to bring a mindset change among stakeholders in the ecosystem to reimagine the purpose of education as thriving.



Building the Field focuses on shifting dominant narratives towards thriving as the purpose of education by weaving together people, places and voices supported by high impact research. This includes Research, Narrative Building and Weaving. Through Research, we intend to create impact using a multiplying lever for a paradigm shift in education. It constantly builds evidence on the impact of developing life skills in young people.The Narrative Building function focuses on shifting dominant narratives around the definition of success by bringing together different people, experiences, learnings and building a cohesive message that can be easily understood. Weaving focuses on creating new possibilities by being alive to what is emerging. It aims to make the cause more sustainable by bringing together different organisations and individuals and scripting the change by introducing transformative practices into the ecosystem.

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