When We Thrive, Our World Thrives –

Stories of Young People Growing up with Adversity

Connie K Chung, EdD with Vishal Talreja, Dream a Dream Staff and Programme Participants

About the Book

This book is about the graduates of Dream a Dream. The book centres on moving, personal stories of young people and weaves in research about child development and best practices of the globally recognised life skills programme developed by Dream a Dream. It also chronicles Dream a Dream's growth and development as an organisation. It shares stories of hope in that with proper support from caring adults, young people from even the most vulnerable backgrounds can thrive and lead their communities, for the benefit of our shared future.


Dr. Connie K. Chung, EdD has worked for 29 years in education, as an educator, researcher, and consultant. She has served as a Foster America Fellow, as the former associate director of Harvard's Global Education Innovation Initiative, and as a consultant to the OECD. In addition to co-editing several books, she co-authored the recent report, A New Education Story.

Vishal Talreja co-founded Dream a Dream along with 11 others. Vishal has co-authored four-papers related to Life Skills in the Indian context. Vishal is an Ashoka Fellow, an Eisenhower Fellow, A Kamalnayan Bajaj (Aspen) Fellow and a Salzburg Global Fellow. He is a Board Member at Goonj. Previously been the Founder Director of Unltd India and Board Member of PYE Global and India Cares Foundation. He is the Executive Committee Member of Karanga – The Global Alliance on Life Skills and SEL and Cofounder of The Weaving Lab. Vishal has been recognized as an “Architect of the Future” by the Waldzell Institute in Austria and as ‘Innovator of the Year’ in 2019 by HundrED.


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